Fire Hydrant System
We offer a range of FIRE HYDRANT SYSTEM with all required accessories. Some of the features of these systems are as follows – The Hydrant System comprises of AC motor driven pump sets with all required accessories including valves, instrumentation and controls etc. Complete in all respects. An automatic hydrant system is furnished covering the areas completely from independent. Pipe work from the fire water pump set. The hydrant pipe work is remaining pressurized through the proposed jockey pump taking care of any leakages in the system pipe lines, valves and fittings. The hydrant system is kept charged by pressurized water at approx.7 Kg. Cm. Sq. at all times. In the event of fire when any of the hydrant valves in the network is opened, the resultant fall in pressure system is enabling starting the AC MOTOR driven fire water pumping set through pressure switches automatically. One diesel engine pump shall be standby pump serving hydrant system. Apart from the automatic starting of the pump sets, provision shall be kept for manual starting also. Shutting down of the pump sets shall be manual. The hydrant main is laid in the form of ring main. The hydrant risers are terminated with air release valves at the highest points to release the trapped air in the pipe work.